Makani Kai Yacht Club

Come Sail With Us

All Residents Welcome!

2024 Race Schedule

Monthly Meeting in C/H on 7/10 @1830
Beer Can Race on 7/13 Skippers Meeting @1400 Race @1500
Beer Can Race on 7/27 Skippers Meeting @1400 Race @1500
Beer Can Race on 8/10 Skippers Meeting @1400 Race @1500
Monthly Meeting in C/H on 9/14 @1830

HYSA -Youth Race

HYSA - Race Notice

HYSA - Registration Form


2023 Officers

Chuck Boller – Commodore
– Vice Commodore
Eric Anderson – Rear Commodore

Treasurer/Secretary - Louis Chicoine

Directors - Al Anderson & Pete Johnston

3:00 PM at the Clubhouse ~ BBQ following the Race

Contact information:  makanikaiyachtclub@gmail

6:30 pm Yacht Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the month at the Clubhouse